Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bandipur & BR Hills Trip

Visited Bandipur & BR hills along with Sashi in the past couple of months. No specific expectations from the trip. Just enjoy the forest as it is. Try to make some interesting or different images as things unfold during safari. Forest true to summer heat was dry. We could see controlled/prescribed forest fires being setup at different segments of forest. The highlight of the BR hills trip though was the Asian paradise flycatcher. It is always a catch 22 situation with this bird. You want the bird close but have difficulty fitting the bird into frame once it is close. Some images from both the trips.

Langur in Morning Light | Bandipur
Asian Paradise Flycatcher | BR hills


Divya said...

in awe! :)

Mahesh Devarajan said...

Yes. Paradise flycatcher is a super bird.